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Instrumentality and influence of Fayol’s doctrine: History, politics and emotions in two post-war settings

Berber, Aykut; Harding, Nancy; Mughal, Farooq

Instrumentality and influence of Fayol’s doctrine: History, politics and emotions in two post-war settings Thumbnail


Profile image of Aykut Berber

Dr. Aykut Berber
Associate Professor - Human Resource Management

Nancy Harding

Farooq Mughal


Why does Administration Industrielle et Générale have a major status in the history of management thought? We argue that the rational reason for the enthusiasm for Fayol’s theory disguises the irrational and unconscious fears in societies for which the cool rationality of Fayol’s work offered a soothing balm. We discuss this in two different but relatively similar post-war settings—France in the 1920s, which saw the first major upsurge of interest in Fayol’s work, and the mid-twentieth century USA, where his work was rediscovered and attained canonical status. The reception to his work in the aftermaths of the two world wars prove particularly important in understanding how historico/politico/emotional affect influences the reception to a body of work. We suggest it is not the ideas themselves that were of prime importance, but how those ideas resonated with the historical, political and emotional context in which they were debated and taken up.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 29, 2020
Online Publication Date Aug 17, 2020
Publication Date 2022-11
Deposit Date Jul 29, 2020
Publicly Available Date Feb 18, 2022
Journal Business History
Print ISSN 0007-6791
Electronic ISSN 1743-7938
Publisher Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 64
Issue 7
Pages 1281-1294
Keywords Henri Fayol, doctrine, habitual narrative, US, France, war, context
Public URL
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