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Conversation analysis structured dialogue for multi-domain dialogue management

Duran, Nathan; Battle, Steve

Conversation analysis structured dialogue for multi-domain dialogue management Thumbnail



Dialogue state tracking is a vital component of task-oriented dialogue systems. Often, dialogue states are constrained by their target domains entity's, slots and values. Adding new domains and knowledge may require laborious hand-crafting or retraining using new corpora and training data. This makes the development of multi-domain dialogue systems a considerable challenge. To address this problem, we propose a method of structuring dialogue that is independent of domain, and closely related to constructs defined by the sociological research of Conversation Analysis, a study of human interaction in conversations. First, we summarise the applicable theories of Adjacency Pairs and Dialogue Acts and their relevance to dialogue systems. We then introduce a schema for structuring dialogue and an accompanying corpus, that utilise the Conversation Analysis inspired constructs, and discuss their potential advantages in moving towards domain agnostic dialogue management.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name The International Workshop on Dialogue, Explanation and Argumentation in Human-Agent Interaction (DEXAHAI)
Start Date Dec 15, 2018
End Date Dec 15, 2018
Deposit Date May 14, 2021
Publicly Available Date May 14, 2021
Keywords Conversation Analysis; Adjacency Pairs; Dialogue Act; Dialogue Management; State Tracking
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