Dr Zaky Fouad Zaky.Fouad@uwe.ac.uk
Occasional Associate Lecturer - CATE - AAE - UAAE0002
Dr Zaky Fouad Zaky.Fouad@uwe.ac.uk
Occasional Associate Lecturer - CATE - AAE - UAAE0002
Kerstin Sailer
School libraries contribute to student learning through accommodating the student self-directed activities (e.g. reading, studying, revising, drawing, etc) and interactions, all taking place during break-times. This research explores the design of school libraries through Space Syntax analysis of seven case studies, to define the library potentiality for learning practices relative to the library configuration (shallow or deep) in the school building; and relative to the library interior configuration shaped by furniture types and layouts. The research then presents the library operational actuality, i.e., the patterns of student interactions and self-directed activities, through fieldwork observations inside two (of the seven) schools. While the library configuration possibly shapes the potentiality of student encounters, interactions and activities, the actual operation diverts from this design, relative to changes in the student routes, supervision patterns and library regulations. Library A1 is a segregated relaxed quiet atmosphere which has less control from the librarian and discrete student interactions, while accommodating personalised experiences for regular visitors who target the library for focused intellectual activities, mainly independent reading. Contrarily, library B1 is a highly accessible vibrant activity-driven atmosphere with more diversified intellectual activities and less interactions, as influenced by the librarian who wants to maintain a disciplined environment, restricts interactions and controls which activities emerge, where students sit and their group formations. The research contributes to understanding the school spatial and managerial parameters which is beneficial to architects who design school buildings or school managements who run and set regulations in place.
Presentation Conference Type | Conference Paper (published) |
Conference Name | 14th International Space Syntax Symposium |
Start Date | Jun 24, 2024 |
Acceptance Date | Apr 16, 2024 |
Deposit Date | May 3, 2024 |
Public URL | https://uwe-repository.worktribe.com/output/11975799 |
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The role of local planning authorities in delivering brownfield land - case study reports
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An exploration of greenspace metric proximity and NDVI vs configurational accessibility from residential postcodes in the West of England
Presentation / Conference Contribution
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