Xiaojun Luo Xiaojun.Luo@uwe.ac.uk
Senior Lecturer in Financial Technology
Towards net-zero community through blockchain-based peer-to-peer energy trading among multiple building blocks
Luo, Xiaojun
In the UK, most commercial and domestic buildings still rely on utility companies and centralised energy systems for satisfying heating and electrical energy demands. These centralised energy systems often have high computational burdens and adverse effects on energy prices. Renewable energy devices such as PV panels, solar heaters, and building integrated wind turbines, have been increasingly adopted as a supplement of conventional energy. However, energy patterns of renewable energy devices are fully dependent on weather conditions and may not be able to fully fit the building energy demands. Therefore, a feasibility study has been conducted to investigate how multiple types of buildings and renewable energy devices can collaborate together to achieve net-zero community. The energy demand patterns of 3 typical households under 12 representative UK climate conditions are explored. As office buildings have high heating and electrical energy demands during daytime, while residential buildings have high heating and electrical energy demands during nighttime, the peak energy demand can be mitigated through energy shifting between office and residential buildings. Moreover, there is a diversity in heating demand among different climate conditions. The energy sharing capability among different climate conditions are investigated while the optimal methods in selecting design parameters of renewable energy devices are proposed. The results of this study can provide insight into deploying blockchain-based peer-to-peer energy trading among multiple building blocks to achieve net-zero community among different weather conditions.
Presentation Conference Type | Conference Paper (published) |
Conference Name | 15th International Conference on Applied Energy |
Start Date | Dec 3, 2023 |
End Date | Jan 7, 2024 |
Acceptance Date | Dec 13, 2023 |
Deposit Date | Jan 12, 2024 |
Public URL | https://uwe-repository.worktribe.com/output/11605075 |
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