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Reliability and validity testing of the persian version of the derriford appearance scale 24 in a sample of individuals with craniofacial irregularity and amputation

Khani, Alireza; Babaee, Taher; Khaghani, Alireza; Nakhaee, Masoomeh; Fattahi, Zahra; Moss, Timothy

Reliability and validity testing of the persian version of the derriford appearance scale 24 in a sample of individuals with craniofacial irregularity and amputation Thumbnail


Alireza Khani

Taher Babaee

Alireza Khaghani

Masoomeh Nakhaee

Zahra Fattahi

Tim Moss
Director of PGR Studies and Associate Professor


BACKGROUND: Despite the recent advancements in the design and manufacture of prostheses for individuals with craniofacial irregularity and amputation, these individuals tend to become self-conscious about their appearance. The aim of this study was to investigate the reliability and validity of Persian version of the Derriford Appearance Scale24 (P-DAS24) for a sample of individuals with craniofacial irregularity and limb loss. METHODOLOGY: Reliability of the P-DAS24 was determined by computing internal consistency and test-retest reliability utilizing Cronbach s alpha coefficient and Pearson s correlation coefficient. Discriminant validity was investigated with comparing the total score of the P-DAS24 between disfigured participants and those with no appearance problem. Known-groups validity was evaluated regarding the participants gender and their level of involvement. FINDINGS: The sample size comprised of 251 individuals with disfigurement and 101 without disfigurement who were deemed normal in appearance. The P-DAS24 showed satisfactory internal consistency (Cronbach s alpha = 0.89) and excellent test-retest reliability (r = 0.96). The total score of the P-DAS24 showed a statistically significant difference between individuals deemed disfigured or normal (P=0.01). The total scores P-DAS24 in individuals with different levels of involvement were significantly different (P<0.001). The scores of the DAS2, DAS18, DAS21, and DAS24 were significantly different between men and women (P<0.01, <0.01, 0.03, and 0.01, respectively). CONCLUSION: The P-DAS24 is a valid and reliable tool that may be utilized in clinical practice and researches to assess the outcomes of prosthetic reconstructions in individuals with disfigurement.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 10, 2023
Online Publication Date Nov 24, 2023
Publication Date Nov 24, 2023
Deposit Date Nov 27, 2023
Publicly Available Date Nov 28, 2023
Journal Canadian Prosthetics & Orthotics Journal
Print ISSN 2561-987X
Electronic ISSN 2561-987X
Publisher Canadian Online Publication Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 6
Issue 1
Article Number 3
Keywords Amputation, Appearance, Disfigurement, Prosthesis, Craniofacial defect, Rehabilitation
Public URL


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