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Core outcomes and factors influencing the experience of care for children with severe acute exacerbations of asthma: A qualitative study

Craig, Simon; Xu, Yao; Robas, Kael; Iramain, Ricardo; Yock-Corrales, Adriana; Soto-Martinez, Manuel E; Rino, Pedro; Belen Alvarez Ricciardi, Maria; Piantanida, Sofia; Mahant, Sanjay; Ubuane, Peter Odion; Odusote, Olatunde; Kwok, Maria; Johnson, Michael D; Paniagua, Natalia; Benito Fernandez, Javier; Ong, Gene Y.; Lyttle, Mark D; Gong, Jin; Roland, Damian; Dalziel, Stuart R; Nixon, Gillian M; Powell, Colin V.E.; Graudins, Andis; Babl, Franz E.

Core outcomes and factors influencing the experience of care for children with severe acute exacerbations of asthma: A qualitative study Thumbnail


Simon Craig

Yao Xu

Kael Robas

Ricardo Iramain

Adriana Yock-Corrales

Manuel E Soto-Martinez

Pedro Rino

Maria Belen Alvarez Ricciardi

Sofia Piantanida

Sanjay Mahant

Peter Odion Ubuane

Olatunde Odusote

Maria Kwok

Michael D Johnson

Natalia Paniagua

Javier Benito Fernandez

Gene Y. Ong

Jin Gong

Damian Roland

Stuart R Dalziel

Gillian M Nixon

Colin V.E. Powell

Andis Graudins

Franz E. Babl


Objective To identify the outcomes considered important, and factors influencing the patient experience, for parents and caregivers of children presenting to hospital with a severe acute exacerbation of asthma. This work contributes to the outcome-identification process in developing a core outcome set (COS) for future clinical trials in children with severe acute asthma. Design A qualitative study involving semistructured interviews with parents and caregivers of children who presented to hospital with a severe acute exacerbation of asthma. Setting Hospitals in 12 countries associated with the global Pediatric Emergency Research Networks, including high-income and middle-income countries. Interviews were conducted face-to-face, by teleconference/video-call, or by phone. Findings Overall, there were 54 interviews with parents and caregivers; 2 interviews also involved the child. Hospital length of stay, intensive care unit or high-dependency unit (HDU) admission, and treatment costs were highlighted as important outcomes influencing the patient and family experience. Other potential clinical trial outcomes included work of breathing, speed of recovery and side effects. In addition, the patient and family experience was impacted by decision-making leading up to seeking hospital care, transit to hospital, waiting times and the use of intravenous treatment. Satisfaction of care was related to communication with clinicians and frequent reassessment. Conclusions This study provides insight into the outcomes that parents and caregivers believe to be the most important to be considered in the process of developing a COS for the treatment of acute severe exacerbations of asthma.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 27, 2023
Online Publication Date Nov 15, 2023
Publication Date Nov 15, 2023
Deposit Date Feb 7, 2024
Publicly Available Date Feb 8, 2024
Journal BMJ Open Respiratory Research
Electronic ISSN 2052-4439
Publisher BMJ Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 10
Issue 1
Article Number e001723
Keywords Asthma
Public URL
PMID 37968074


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