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A fabric-based soft hand exoskeleton for assistance: the ExHand Exoskeleton

Maldonado-Mejía, Juan C.; Múnera, Marcela; Diaz, Camilo A. R.; Wurdemann, Helge; Moazen, Mehran; Pontes, Maria José; Vieira Segatto, Marcelo Eduardo; Monteiro, Maxwell E.; Cifuentes, Carlos A.

A fabric-based soft hand exoskeleton for assistance: the ExHand Exoskeleton Thumbnail


Juan C. Maldonado-Mejía

Marcela Múnera

Camilo A. R. Diaz

Helge Wurdemann

Mehran Moazen

Maria José Pontes

Marcelo Eduardo Vieira Segatto

Maxwell E. Monteiro

Carlos A. Cifuentes


Introduction: The rise of soft robotics has driven the development of devices for assistance in activities of daily living (ADL). Likewise, different types of actuation have been developed for safer human interaction. Recently, textile-based pneumatic actuation has been introduced in hand exoskeletons for features such as biocompatibility, flexibility, and durability. These devices have demonstrated their potential use in assisting ADLs, such as the degrees of freedom assisted, the force exerted, or the inclusion of sensors. However, performing ADLs requires the use of different objects, so exoskeletons must provide the ability to grasp and maintain stable contact with a variety of objects to lead to the successful development of ADLs. Although textile-based exoskeletons have demonstrated significant advancements, the ability of these devices to maintain stable contact with a variety of objects commonly used in ADLs has yet to be fully evaluated. Materials and methods: This paper presents the development and experimental validation in healthy users of a fabric-based soft hand exoskeleton through a grasping performance test using The Anthropomorphic Hand Assessment Protocol (AHAP), which assesses eight types of grasping with 24 objects of different shapes, sizes, textures, weights, and rigidities, and two standardized tests used in the rehabilitation processes of post- stroke patients. Results and discussion: A total of 10 healthy users (45.50 ± 14.93 years old) participated in this study. The results indicate that the device can assist in developing ADLs by evaluating the eight types of grasps of the AHAP. A score of 95.76 ± 2.90% out of 100% was obtained for the Maintaining Score, indicating that the ExHand Exoskeleton can maintain stable contact with various daily living objects. In addition, the results of the user satisfaction questionnaire indicated a positive mean score of 4.27 ± 0.34 on a Likert scale ranging from 1 to 5.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 26, 2023
Online Publication Date Jun 15, 2023
Publication Date Jun 15, 2023
Deposit Date Aug 31, 2023
Publicly Available Date Sep 5, 2023
Journal Frontiers in Neurorobotics
Electronic ISSN 1662-5218
Publisher Frontiers Media
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 17
Article Number 1091827
Keywords soft robotics, activities of daily living, hand exoskeleton, soft actuators, assistive technologies
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