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Sex and the City and consumer culture: Remediating postfeminist drama

Arthurs, Jane


Jane Arthurs

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Dec 1, 2003
Journal Feminist Media Studies
Print ISSN 1468-0777
Electronic ISSN 1471-5902
Publisher Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 3
Issue 1
Pages 83-98
Keywords Sex and the City, consumer culture, postfeminist drama, feminism
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Additional Information : This refereed journal article is to be reprinted in Charlotte Brunsdon and Lynn Spigel (eds.) Feminist Television Criticism (Second Edition), Open University Press, Maidenhead and New York: (forthcoming 2007), and has already appeared in Horace Newcombe (ed.) (2007) Television the Critical View (Seventh Edition), Oxford University Press: New York and London, pp. 315-331. The marketing reports (2005, 2006) for Feminist Media Studies shows that it is the most frequently downloaded article in the history of the journal by a large margin. It has been cited in 8 journal articles (3 x Feminist Media Studies, 3 x Cinema Journal, 1 x Journal of Consumer Culture, 1 x Sexualities) and three books (Gill R. Gender and Media, Polity 2006; Ghavani L. Hex and the City, Spells for Late Capitalism, PAJ: Journal of Performance Art, Vol. 28, No. 3, September 2006, (PAJ 84), pages 114-123; Hollows J. and Moseley R. Feminism in Popular Culture, Berg 2006). It led to an invitation to give the keynote address to the Danish Association of Cultural Studies at Middlefart, Denmark in August 2004, which was subsequently published as �Seksuelt Medborgerskab I Fjernysnets Digitale Tidsalder' in Henning Bech og Anne Scott Sorenson (eds.) Kutur Pa Kryds Og Tvaers. Aarhus: Klym, 2005, pp 133 �151.

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