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Reflections from advances in global leadership's Emerald Literati award winners

Osland, Joyce S.; Levy, Orly; Peiperl, Maury; Huesing, Tina; Ludema, James D.; Ann Nelson, Janet; Yaa Gyamfi, Nana; Lee, Yih-teen; Adler, Nancy J.; Bolden, Richard; Bjerre Lyndgaard, Danielle; Kristine Nielsen, Rikke; Ruiz, Lisa; Žilinskaitė, Milda; Miska, Christof

Reflections from advances in global leadership's Emerald Literati award winners Thumbnail


Joyce S. Osland

Orly Levy

Maury Peiperl

Tina Huesing

James D. Ludema

Janet Ann Nelson

Nana Yaa Gyamfi

Yih-teen Lee

Nancy J. Adler

Profile image of Richard Bolden

Richard Bolden
Dir of Res Ctr - Ldrship & Behav Change

Danielle Bjerre Lyndgaard

Rikke Kristine Nielsen

Lisa Ruiz

Milda Žilinskaitė

Christof Miska


Joyce S. Osland

B. Sebastian Reiche

Mark E. Mendenhall

Martha L. Maznevski


The book/journal editors of Emerald Publishing are asked to select the Outstanding Author Contribution in each volume, which is a difficult choice. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the Emerald Literati Awards were handed out in a ceremony at the Academy of Management Meeting. Because that practice ended, we decided to showcase the work of our award winners, beginning with volume 8, who have made very important contributions to the field of global leadership. We were also very curious about the impact of their article and what they would write differently today. Thus, we invited the author/author team to write a short reflective piece broadly related to the questions below.
(1) What motivated you to research this topic?
(2) Do you have any sense of what impact your paper has had on the field of global leadership or beyond?
(3) Would you write this paper differently in retrospect, or if you were writing it today? Is there anything you would add or change?
(4) Did the paper have any impact on you personally? For example, did it change the way you teach, influence what you are researching today, get you promoted and put you in a higher income bracket (just kidding), etc?

Online Publication Date Mar 6, 2023
Publication Date Mar 6, 2023
Deposit Date Mar 2, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jul 4, 2023
Publisher Emerald
Pages 181-213
Series Title Advances in Global Leadership
Book Title Advances in Global Leadership, Volume 15
ISBN 978-1-80455-857-7
Keywords Leadership, Covid-19, Change
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Reflections from advances in global leadership's Emerald Literati award winners (162 Kb)


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Copyright Statement
This is the authors accepted version of the book chapter ‘Osland, J. S., Levy, O., Peiperl, M., Huesing, T., Ludema, J. D., Ann Nelson, J., …Miska, C. (2023). Reflections from advances in global leadership's Emerald Literati award winners. In J. S. Osland, B. S. Reiche, M. E. Mendenhall, & M. L. Maznevski (Eds.), Advances in Global Leadership, Volume 15 (181-213). Bingley: Emerald’.


The final published version is available from here:

Reflections from advances in global leadership's Emerald Literati award winners (28 Kb)


Publisher Licence URL

Copyright Statement
This is the authors accepted version of the book chapter ‘Osland, J. S., Levy, O., Peiperl, M., Huesing, T., Ludema, J. D., Ann Nelson, J., …Miska, C. (2023). Reflections from advances in global leadership's Emerald Literati award winners. In J. S. Osland, B. S. Reiche, M. E. Mendenhall, & M. L. Maznevski (Eds.), Advances in Global Leadership, Volume 15 (181-213). Bingley: Emerald’.


The final published version is available from here:

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