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Evaluation of the critical skills programme in the success @ excellence in cities action zone with a focus on creativity in learning

Raphael Reed, Lynn; Fitzgerald, Bernie


Lynn Raphael Reed

Bernie Fitzgerald

Report Type Project Report
Publication Date Jun 1, 2005
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Public URL
Additional Information Additional Information : This study evaluates the impact of the Critical Skills Programme (CSP) in generating creativity and agency in orientations to learning by adults and children in schools in an urban education action zone. It is the only published study to evaluate the CSP in UK classrooms serving communities with high rates of social deprivation, and also one of the very few to look at the impact of the learning skills approach increasingly being applied in schools in the USA and UK. The report is cited by Network Educational Press (who franchise CSP) and Creative Partnerships as invaluable research evidence. The work has been disseminated through the Bristol Seminar Series. This work is set to increase in significance in light of the New Secondary Curriculum (QCA 2007) with its emphasis on building young people's capacities and skills for lifelong learning. Raphael Reed is responsible for 80% of this publication.