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The C-test and TOEIC as measures of students' progress in intensive short courses in EFL

Daller, Helmut; Phelan, David


Helmut Daller

David Phelan


R�diger Grotjahn

Publication Date Jan 1, 2006
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Pages 101-119
Book Title Der C-Test: Theorie, Empirie, Anwendungen. The C-Test: Theory, Empirical Research, Applications. Volume 6.
ISBN 9783631604380
Keywords C-test, TOEIC, students, EFL
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Additional Information Additional Information : The C-test was introduced 25 years ago and more than 260 publications have been published on this test-format since then. The focus of Daller and Phelan's chapter is a comparison of the C-test and the TOEIC test format; which is an established EFL test that is used world-wide (2 Mio test-takers in 2003). One of the main findings of this study is that the significant correlation between TOEIC scores and C-test results are a clear indication of the validity of the latter format in an EFL context (8 weeks short courses). The findings of this chapter have clear practical implications for learning and teaching on EFL short courses. The C-test format can be used as a convenient measure of efficiency and learning progress in these courses.

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