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Arthropod abundance, canopy structure, and microclimate in a Bornean lowland tropical rain forest

Dial, Roman J.; Ellwood, M. D. Farnon; Turner, Edward C.; Foster, William A.


Roman J. Dial

M. D. Farnon Ellwood

Edward C. Turner

William A. Foster


This study applies a novel, vertically stratified fogging protocol to document arthropod abundance, density, and biomass across a vertical gradient in a primary, lowland dipterocarp forest canopy in Borneo. We fogged arthropods at 5 m vertical intervals and 20 m horizontal intervals along six full-canopy transects and measured leaf surface areas along the same transects. The results show that arthropod biomass in the aboveground regions was 23.6 kg/ha, the abundance was 23.9 million individuals/ha, and the density on leaf surfaces was 280 individuals/m2 leaf area. All three numbers are five to ten times higher than estimated by previous surveys of tropical lowland rain forest canopies using mass-collection techniques. Arthropod abundance and biomass were analyzed in relation to canopy structure, composition, vapor pressure deficit (VPD), photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), and height. Using stepwise regression we found that 13 of 14 arthropod groups had significant positive relationships with one-sided leaf area, 11 had significant negative relationships with VPD, 3 had significant relationships with height, and none showed positive relationships with light. Classifying the 14 taxa based on their responses to leaf area and VPD created three groups that corresponded roughly to the biology of these taxa. This study suggests that the biomass and abundance, and perhaps therefore - by extrapolation - the biodiversity, of tropical canopy arthropods may be very much higher than previously estimated. © 2006 The Author(s).

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Sep 1, 2006
Deposit Date Nov 25, 2014
Journal Biotropica
Print ISSN 0006-3606
Electronic ISSN 1744-7429
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 38
Issue 5
Pages 643-652
Keywords arthropod abundance, Borneo, canopy arthropods, canopy microclimate, canopy structure, fogging, leaf area index, lowland tropical rain forest
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Contract Date Apr 15, 2016

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