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Stroke survivors’ perceptions and experiences of 'next steps group exercise and education programme': A qualitative study

Kumar, Praveen; Brightman, Lauren; Hearne, Joanne; Redesell, Dominico; Beard, Jasmine; Roberts, Catrin


Profile image of Praveen Kumar

Dr Praveen Kumar
Associate Professor in Stroke Rehabilitation

Lauren Brightman

Joanne Hearne

Dominico Redesell

Jasmine Beard

Catrin Roberts


Stroke is the leading cause of disability in the western world. The number of people living in the community with the long term problems with stroke is continuing to grow. Group exercise classes have shown beneficial effects. ‘Next Steps’ a group exercise class initiative in the South West of England has shown beneficial effects. However, little is known stroke survivors’ experiences of this ‘Next Steps,’ class. The aim of this study was to therefore, to explore the stroke survivors’ perception and experiences of ‘Next Steps’ with a focus on education, exercise, social interaction and biopsychosocial outcomes.
Method: A qualitative study consisting of semi-structured face-to-face interviews were conducted with stroke survivors (n=4). Convenience sampling was used. Interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data were analysed using principles of thematic analysis.
Results: Four themes emerged: 1) ‘The importance of tailored exercise’: Patients identified improved strength and function 2) ‘More relevant education’ : Participants identified education could have been more interactive and specific 3) All in it together’: participants reported increased motivation due to social interaction which lead to increase confidence. 4) ‘Direction and purpose’: The class provided direction and purpose to participants’ ongoing needs.
Conclusion: This study supports the evidence on perceived benefits of group exercise classes. While this study suggests stroke survivors could benefit from education personalisation and exercise delivery adaptations to improve functional outcomes, small convenient sample limits the findings. Further research is required to explore carers and family members perspectives on group exercise class for people with stroke.

Presentation Conference Type Poster
Conference Name 3rd Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair Congress
Start Date May 22, 2019
End Date May 24, 2019
Deposit Date Dec 10, 2022
Keywords Stroke, Group exercise class
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