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Outputs (25)

Acceptability of a brief fatigue intervention for inflammatory arthritis: A qualitative process evaluation (2022)
Journal Article

Objectives: We developed a brief cognitive behavioural, one-to-one intervention to reduce fatigue impact for patients with inflammatory arthritis. This qualitative process evaluation explored intervention acceptability and potential refinements from... Read More about Acceptability of a brief fatigue intervention for inflammatory arthritis: A qualitative process evaluation.

Brief intervention to reduce fatigue impact in patients with inflammatory arthritis: Design and outcomes of a single-arm feasibility study (2022)
Journal Article

OBJECTIVES: Patients with inflammatory arthritis report that fatigue is challenging to manage. We developed a manualised, one-to-one, cognitive-behavioural intervention, delivered by rheumatology health professionals (RHPs). The Fatigue - Reducing it... Read More about Brief intervention to reduce fatigue impact in patients with inflammatory arthritis: Design and outcomes of a single-arm feasibility study.

Remotely delivered cognitive-behavioural and personalized exercise interventions to lessen the impact of fatigue: A qualitative evaluation (2022)
Journal Article

Objectives: Fatigue can be a disabling symptom of inflammatory rheumatic diseases. LIFT (Lessening the Impact of Fatigue in inflammatory rheumatic diseases: a randomized Trial) is a randomized trial of remotely delivered cognitive-behavioural approac... Read More about Remotely delivered cognitive-behavioural and personalized exercise interventions to lessen the impact of fatigue: A qualitative evaluation.

POS0003 Development and validation of a disease specific patient reported outcome for giant cell arteritis (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is caused by inflammation of the blood vessels of the head and neck; patients can present with cranial, ocular or large vessel vasculitis involvement. Treatment is with glucocorticoids, steroid sparing agents a... Read More about POS0003 Development and validation of a disease specific patient reported outcome for giant cell arteritis.

P289 The effectiveness of interventions to reduce psychological distress in patients with autoimmune rheumatic conditions: A systematic review of effectiveness (2022)
Journal Article

Autoimmune rheumatic conditions are multisystem chronic disorders associated with increased psychological distress. Consequences include poor medication adherence and high levels of disease activity. Psychological interventions may r... Read More about P289 The effectiveness of interventions to reduce psychological distress in patients with autoimmune rheumatic conditions: A systematic review of effectiveness.