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Outputs (7)

Heritage in the crossfire: Developing novel field-based methods for assessing ballistic impact driven deterioration of heritage stone (2023)

This PhD project aims to advance current understanding of the damage caused by ballistic impact into stone-built heritage monuments in arid Middle Eastern and North African climates. Damage was assessed through the development of novel rapid, non-des... Read More about Heritage in the crossfire: Developing novel field-based methods for assessing ballistic impact driven deterioration of heritage stone.

Bullet impacts in building stone excavate approximately conical craters, with dimensions that are controlled by target material (2022)
Journal Article

Bullet impacts are a ubiquitous form of damage to the built environment resulting from armed conflicts. Bullet impacts into stone buildings result in surficial cratering, fracturing, and changes to material properties, such as permeability and surfac... Read More about Bullet impacts in building stone excavate approximately conical craters, with dimensions that are controlled by target material.

Heritage in the crossfire (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The Heritage in the Crossfire project investigates the impact of ballistics on sedimentary stone, and their consequences for further deterioration. This is particularly important in light of the ever increasing power of arms and their ubiquitous use... Read More about Heritage in the crossfire.