Crack propagation toward friction stir weld
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Outputs (2633)
Volatile organic compounds from feces and their potential for diagnosis of gastrointestinal disease (2007)
Journal Article
Little is known about the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in feces and their potential health consequences. Patients and healthcare professionals have observed that feces often smell abnormal during gastrointestinal disease. The aim of this work wa... Read More about Volatile organic compounds from feces and their potential for diagnosis of gastrointestinal disease.
Parental pain expectancy as a mediator between child expected and experienced procedure-related pain intensity during painful medical procedures (2007)
Journal Article
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this prospective investigation was to evaluate child and parental expectancies as a predictor of pain perception in pediatric oncology patients undergoing painful medical procedures. METHODS: Forty-five children with leukemia o... Read More about Parental pain expectancy as a mediator between child expected and experienced procedure-related pain intensity during painful medical procedures.
An overview of sheet metal forming simulations with enhanced assumed strain elements (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Computational study of flow over generic fan-wing airfoil (2007)
Journal Article
Purpose - The paper seeks to perform a detailed numerical study of flow over a generic fan-wing airfoil and also attempts to modify the geometry for the improvement of the aerodynamic performance. Design/methodology/approach - Advanced computational... Read More about Computational study of flow over generic fan-wing airfoil.
Exploring new horizons in the solid-shell element technology for general nonlinear applications with bending (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Streamlined variance calculations for semiparametric mixed models (2007)
Journal Article
Semiparametric mixed model analysis benefits from variability estimates such as standard errors of effect estimates and variability bars to accompany curve estimates. We show how the underlying variance calculations can be done extremely efficiently... Read More about Streamlined variance calculations for semiparametric mixed models.
Book Review: Manufacturing optimization through intelligent techniques (2007)
Journal Article
On the use of a reduced enhanced solid-shell (RESS) element for sheet forming simulations (2007)
Journal Article
A recently proposed reduced enhanced solid-shell (RESS) element [Alves de Sousa, R.J., Cardoso, R.P.R., Fontes Valente, R.A., Yoon, J.W., Grácio, J.J., Natal Jorge, R.M., 2005. A new one-point quadrature enhanced assumed strain (EAS) solid-shell elem... Read More about On the use of a reduced enhanced solid-shell (RESS) element for sheet forming simulations.
Potential dependence of segregation and surface alloy formation of a Ru modified carbon supported Pt catalyst (2007)
Journal Article
Ruthenium modified carbon supported platinum catalysts have been shown to have a similar activity towards carbon monoxide oxidation as conventionally prepared bimetallic PtRu alloy catalysts. In this study the effect of the applied electrode potentia... Read More about Potential dependence of segregation and surface alloy formation of a Ru modified carbon supported Pt catalyst.