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Outputs (417)

The Randomised Evaluation of early topical Lidocaine patches In Elderly patients admitted to hospital with rib Fractures (RELIEF): Feasibility trial protocol (2023)
Journal Article

BackgroundTopical lidocaine patches, applied over rib fractures, have been suggested as a non-invasive method of local anaesthetic delivery to improve respiratory function, reduce opioid consumption and consequently reduce pulmonary complications. Ol... Read More about The Randomised Evaluation of early topical Lidocaine patches In Elderly patients admitted to hospital with rib Fractures (RELIEF): Feasibility trial protocol.

Development of online cancer resources to support pre-registration nurses and allied health professionals to increase their knowledge and understanding of cancer care (2023)
Journal Article

Cancer rates are increasing, and more people are living with cancer and its consequences. Healthcare students will be caring for people affected by cancer in all clinical contexts. However, pre-registration programmes can include limited cancer edu... Read More about Development of online cancer resources to support pre-registration nurses and allied health professionals to increase their knowledge and understanding of cancer care.

Feasibility and acceptability of a new shoulder-specific warm-up programme to prevent injuries in community youth rugby union as compared to the FIFA 11+ (2023)
Journal Article

Injury prevention exercise programmes (IPEPs) are efficacious, though there is no IPEP specifically designed to reduce shoulder injuries in rugby. This study aimed to determine the feasibility and acceptability of the Rugby Active Shoulder Injury Pre... Read More about Feasibility and acceptability of a new shoulder-specific warm-up programme to prevent injuries in community youth rugby union as compared to the FIFA 11+.