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Outputs (10)

Rapid diagnosis of hereditary haemolytic anaemias using automated rheoscopy and supervised machine learning (2020)
Journal Article

Haemolytic anaemias arise when red blood cell (RBC) integrity is compromised, eventually resulting in premature clearance or lysis and leading to anaemia when these effects cannot be sufficiently compensated by the capacity of the bone marrow to prod... Read More about Rapid diagnosis of hereditary haemolytic anaemias using automated rheoscopy and supervised machine learning.

Allium cepa remediates oxidative stress-mediated hepatic DNA damage in cadmium-exposed rats through enhanced p53 expression and inhibition of bcl2 (2020)
Journal Article

Cadmium (Cd), a naturally occurring toxic metal, in addition to being cytotoxic, has been shown to be responsible for inducing free radical-dependent DNA damage in cells. Allium cepa is also known to ameliorate cadmium sulphate-induced... Read More about Allium cepa remediates oxidative stress-mediated hepatic DNA damage in cadmium-exposed rats through enhanced p53 expression and inhibition of bcl2.

Developmental, morphological and physiological traits in plants exposed for five generations to chronic low-level ionising radiation (2020)
Journal Article

The effects of ionising radiation (IR) on plants are important for environmental protection but also in agriculture, horticulture, space science, and plant stress biology. Much current understanding of the effects of IR on plants derives from acute h... Read More about Developmental, morphological and physiological traits in plants exposed for five generations to chronic low-level ionising radiation.