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Outputs (293)

The impact of uncertainty indices on sustainable investments in India: TVP-VAR based connectedness approach (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper examines how strong is the policy uncertainty networks transmit-ting information to sustainable investments in an emerging market like In-dia. Specially, by employing TVP-VAR on monthly closing value of three sustainability indices from Bo... Read More about The impact of uncertainty indices on sustainable investments in India: TVP-VAR based connectedness approach.

From Food Industry 4.0 to Food Industry 5.0: Identifying technological enablers and potential future applications in the food sector (2024)
Journal Article

Although several food-related fields have yet to fully grasp the speed and breadth of the fourth industrial revolution (also known as Industry 4.0), growing literature from other sectors shows that Industry 5.0 (referring to the fifth industrial revo... Read More about From Food Industry 4.0 to Food Industry 5.0: Identifying technological enablers and potential future applications in the food sector.

Shots, sympathy, and societal support: How conflict intensity translates into cooperative behaviour towards the displaced (2024)
Journal Article

Severe shocks, such as natural disasters or major conflicts, can trigger substantial international support in the immediate aftermath. The continuation of support depends on the level of attention in the public discourse. Whereas general attention wi... Read More about Shots, sympathy, and societal support: How conflict intensity translates into cooperative behaviour towards the displaced.