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Outputs (80)

Towards net-zero community through blockchain-based peer-to-peer energy trading among multiple building blocks (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In the UK, most commercial and domestic buildings still rely on utility companies and centralised energy systems for satisfying heating and electrical energy demands. These centralised energy systems often have high computational burdens and adverse... Read More about Towards net-zero community through blockchain-based peer-to-peer energy trading among multiple building blocks.

Forced displacement and subsequent generations’ migration intentions: Intergenerational transmission of family migration capital (2023)
Journal Article

A growing body of evidence for the ‘family migration capital’ hypothesis–whereby migration experience in a family leads to a greater propensity to move among migrants’ descendants–has so far relied on accounts of any migration experience, including v... Read More about Forced displacement and subsequent generations’ migration intentions: Intergenerational transmission of family migration capital.