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Uncovering the impact of digital technologies on strategising: Evidence from a systematic literature review (2024)
Journal Article

Adopting digital technologies in different organizations has become a trend over the last decade, yet our understanding regarding impact of digital technologies on strategising needs to be more cohersive. This paper reviews existing research on how d... Read More about Uncovering the impact of digital technologies on strategising: Evidence from a systematic literature review.

Simulation games for engaging students when teaching operations and supply chain management to students: Using the QpQ simulation game as an example (2024)
Book Chapter

In simulation games, a form of generative learning, students play an active role in their own learning process, seen as key to gaining and retaining knowledge. This chapter presents its advantages, different takes on how to achieve desired learning o... Read More about Simulation games for engaging students when teaching operations and supply chain management to students: Using the QpQ simulation game as an example.