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Simulation games for engaging students when teaching operations and supply chain management to students: Using the QpQ simulation game as an example

Dekkers, Rob; Koukou, Marianna; Zhou, Qijun; Salgado, Eduardo Gomes

Simulation games for engaging students when teaching operations and supply chain management to students: Using the QpQ simulation game as an example Thumbnail


Rob Dekkers

Marianna Koukou

Dr Qijun Zhou
Senior Lecturer in Strategy and Operations Management

Eduardo Gomes Salgado


Yufeng Zhang


In simulation games, a form of generative learning, students play an active role in their own learning process, seen as key to gaining and retaining knowledge. This chapter presents its advantages, different takes on how to achieve desired learning outcomes, and what efforts need to be undertaken by staff in the domain of operations and supply chain management. The points raised are showcased through the QpQ Simulation Game that replicates departments and processes at a manufacturing company. Three deliveries using different settings show that students’ knowledge and understanding of key concepts for operations management were refined, decision-making skills were enhanced, teamwork was boosted and a deeper understanding of the complex and dynamic processes for manufacturing companies was gained. Such outcomes are typical for using simulation games in teaching operations and supply chain management. At the end of the chapter, key points capture how to stimulate generative learning and increase student engagement, and reflect on when to choose a simulation game, which selection criteria could be considered and what are lessons learnt.

Online Publication Date May 21, 2024
Publication Date May 21, 2024
Deposit Date Jun 6, 2024
Publicly Available Date Nov 22, 2024
Publisher Edward Elgar Publishing
Pages 192-212
Book Title Handbook on Teaching and Learning in Operations Management
ISBN 9781802201932
Public URL


Simulation games for engaging students when teaching operations and supply chain management to students: Using the QpQ simulation game as an example (371 Kb)


Copyright Statement
This is the author's accepted manuscript of the following book chapter: Dekkers, R., Koukou, M., Zhou, Q., & Salgado, E. G. (2024). Simulation games for engaging students when teaching operations and supply chain management to students: Using the QpQ simulation game as an example. In . Y. Zhang (Ed.), Handbook on Teaching and Learning in Operations Management (192-212). Edward Elgar Publishing.

The final published version is available here:

Simulation games for engaging students when teaching operations and supply chain management to students: Using the QpQ simulation game as an example (568 Kb)


Copyright Statement
This is the author's accepted manuscript of the following book chapter: Dekkers, R., Koukou, M., Zhou, Q., & Salgado, E. G. (2024). Simulation games for engaging students when teaching operations and supply chain management to students: Using the QpQ simulation game as an example. In . Y. Zhang (Ed.), Handbook on Teaching and Learning in Operations Management (192-212). Edward Elgar Publishing.

The final published version is available here:

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