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Travel patterns & conference intentions: Engaging conference attendees with sustainability through input physicalization (2025)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Against the backdrop of a growing concern with environmental sustainability across HCI research and design, TEI'24 was the first version of the conference to include a sustainability chair. In conjunction with this increasing interest in sustainabili... Read More about Travel patterns & conference intentions: Engaging conference attendees with sustainability through input physicalization.

Squishy, yet satisfying: Exploring deformable shapes' cross-modal correspondences with colours and emotions (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Surfaces with deformable and shape-changing properties seek to enhance and diversify tangible interactions with computing systems. However, we currently lack fundamental knowledge and user interface design principles that connect the inherent propert... Read More about Squishy, yet satisfying: Exploring deformable shapes' cross-modal correspondences with colours and emotions.