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Outputs (5)

“Anything you say, will be used against you!” : The necessary place for creative expression and language as an outlet for young people, and the criminal act of criminalising them (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Keynote speech exploring the importance of nurturing and protecting creative spaces and opportunities for young people, and for that creativity to not become stigmatised and criminalised. Shared examples of how various forms of music, dance, film, an... Read More about “Anything you say, will be used against you!” : The necessary place for creative expression and language as an outlet for young people, and the criminal act of criminalising them.

Which of us photographs? (2021)
Book Chapter

How will future historians interpret how the 2020/2021 lockdowns impacted photographic aesthetics? Such a study would likely be done best by scholars who are not yet even born. Practitioners and scholars of today are too close to the moment to be abl... Read More about Which of us photographs?.