Bristol COPD knowledge questionnaire (BCKQ): Testing what we teach patients about COPD (2006)
Journal Article
Health professionals recommend education of patients about COPD. There is no satisfactory instrument to measure their knowledge and therefore to assess the results of education. A multiple-choice questionnaire (BCKQ) has been designed and tested. Eac... Read More about Bristol COPD knowledge questionnaire (BCKQ): Testing what we teach patients about COPD.
A variable neighbourhood search algorithm for job shop scheduling problems (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Variable Neighbourhood Search (VNS) is one of the most recent metaheuristics used for solving combinatorial optimization problems in which a systematic change of neighbourhood within a local search is carried out. In this paper, a variable neighbourh... Read More about A variable neighbourhood search algorithm for job shop scheduling problems.
Attitudes to face transplantation: Results of a public engagement exercise at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition (2006)
Journal Article
Hettiaratchy and Butler (Lancet 2002;360:5-6) framed face transplantation as the next logical step on the reconstructive ladder for severe facial injury, in particular, pan-facial burns. The procedure formed the basis for a Royal College of Surgeons... Read More about Attitudes to face transplantation: Results of a public engagement exercise at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition.
Practice-based learning in information systems: The advantages for students (2006)
Journal Article
Improvement in collective performance with experience in ants (2004)
Journal Article
We show that entire ant colonies can improve their collective performance progressively when they repeat the same process. Colonies of Leptothorax albipennis can reduce their total emigration times over successive emigrations. We show that this impro... Read More about Improvement in collective performance with experience in ants.
Algorithms for building annular structures with minimalist robots inspired by brood sorting in ant colonies (2004)
Journal Article
This study shows that a task as complicated as multi-object 'ant-like annular sorting' can be accomplished with 'minimalist' solutions employing simple mechanisms and minimal hardware. It provides an alternative to 'patch sorting' for multi-object so... Read More about Algorithms for building annular structures with minimalist robots inspired by brood sorting in ant colonies.
Regional factor price convergence across four major European countries (2003)
Journal Article
Neo-classical growth models predict that the free movement of goods and factors will result in the spatial convergence of output and an ensuing convergence of factor prices. Based on distribution free statistics, this paper presents an empirical exam... Read More about Regional factor price convergence across four major European countries.
Random walk models of worker sorting in ant colonies (2002)
Journal Article
Sorting can be an important mechanism for the transfer of information from one level of biological organization to another. Here we study the algorithm underlying worker sorting in Leptothorax ant colonies. Worker sorting is related to task allocatio... Read More about Random walk models of worker sorting in ant colonies.
The role of competition in task switching during colony emigration in the ant Leptothorax albipennis (2002)
Journal Article
The decision-making process that determines when an animal should switch between tasks is a fundamental issue in the study of animal behaviour. We investigated, for the first time, such task switching in terms of the dynamics of worker populations in... Read More about The role of competition in task switching during colony emigration in the ant Leptothorax albipennis.
High resolution measurement and modelling of magnetic domain structures in epitaxial FePd (001) L10 films with perpendicular magnetization (2001)
Journal Article
Magnetic domain structures in two 50 nm thick chemically-ordered FePd (001) epitaxial films with different perpendicular anisotropies have been studied using Lorentz microscopy. Domain and domain wall structures vary significantly according to the ma... Read More about High resolution measurement and modelling of magnetic domain structures in epitaxial FePd (001) L10 films with perpendicular magnetization.
Modeling crowd dynamics through coarse-grained data analysis
Journal Article
Understanding and predicting the collective behaviour of crowds is essential to improve the efficiency of pedestrian flows in urban areas and minimize the risks of accidents at mass events. We advocate for the development of crowd tra... Read More about Modeling crowd dynamics through coarse-grained data analysis.
A primer on validity and design terminology in comparative designs
An overview of terminology (independent and dependent designs, dependent and independent variables) and validity (internal, external, and measurement) is given using six different scenarios. For simplicity of exposition, all examples have factors at... Read More about A primer on validity and design terminology in comparative designs.
An example motivated discourse of the chi-squared test of association (2 by 2)
An example application of the chi-square test of association is given through a set of questions and answers. The emphasis is on methodological aspects and what can be legitimately inferred, if anything. It is strongly highlighted that statistical... Read More about An example motivated discourse of the chi-squared test of association (2 by 2).
An example motivated discourse of the independent samples t-test and the Welch test
Analyses are given for two example scenarios. Both scenarios comprise two independent samples. One scenario is analysed using the independent samples t-test; the other the Welch test. Commentary on the designs and limitations is given through a qu... Read More about An example motivated discourse of the independent samples t-test and the Welch test.
An example motivated discourse of the paired samples t-test
An application of the paired samples t-test is used to discuss the logic underpinning the test and to consider what may be legitimately inferred.
A primer on statistical hypotheses and statistical errors
An abstract overview of some of the logic and statistical considerations in quantitative inference is given
A reverse look at p-values
An overview of p-values is given. The usual way of being introduced to p-values is by considering the rigorous development of statistical tests, then their use for decision making. This note takes a reverse view by firstly considering their use in... Read More about A reverse look at p-values.
That assumption of normality
Many statistical tests are based around an assumption of “normality”. The reasoning for this choice of distribution, whether to test, what to test, and how to test for normality is covered along with practical recommendations.
Cohen’s d for two independent samples
An exposition of standardized effect for two independent samples (under an assumption of normality) is given along with an insight into interpretation and reporting
Showing 121 - 140 of 140 results