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Outputs (22)

An exploration of the urban pedestrian experience, including how it is affected by the presence of motor traffic (2014)

The experience of urban walking is one that can form an important package of time in people’s daily routine, with 8 million hours being spent daily walking in urban areas in the UK. This study explores urban walking experience as a holistic and multi... Read More about An exploration of the urban pedestrian experience, including how it is affected by the presence of motor traffic.

Social practice theory and sustainable mobility: An analysis of the English local transport planning as a system of provision (2014)

The UK Government is committed to reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by 80% from 1990 levels by 2050. Reducing emissions from motorised transport and changing travel behaviour of people wishing to travel are two possible means of achieving this.... Read More about Social practice theory and sustainable mobility: An analysis of the English local transport planning as a system of provision.

Spreading the word: A social-psychological exploration of word-of-mouth traveller information in the digital age

The use of ‘formal’ travel information pertaining to costs, routes, journey times, or real-time transport disruptions, and its role in travel behaviour (for example, choice of mode, route or departure time) has been widely studied, but little is know... Read More about Spreading the word: A social-psychological exploration of word-of-mouth traveller information in the digital age.