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Outputs (16)

Objectively assessed physical activity and subsequent health service use of UK adults aged 70 and over: A four to five year follow up study (2014)
Journal Article

Objectives: To examine the associations between volume and intensity of older peoples' physical activity, with their subsequent health service usage over the following four to five years. Study Design: A prospective cohort design using baseline parti... Read More about Objectively assessed physical activity and subsequent health service use of UK adults aged 70 and over: A four to five year follow up study.

Taking the long view: A systematic review reporting long-term perspectives on child unintentional injury (2012)
Journal Article

Objective The relative significance of child injury as a cause of preventable death has increased as mortality from infectious diseases has declined. Unintentional child injuries are now a major cause of death and disability across the world with the... Read More about Taking the long view: A systematic review reporting long-term perspectives on child unintentional injury.

Integration of health into urban spatial planning through impact assessment: Identifying governance and policy barriers and facilitators (2012)
Journal Article

This article presents the results of a review of literature examining the barriers and facilitators in integrating health in spatial planning at the local, mainly urban level, through appraisals. Our literature review covered the UK and non UK experi... Read More about Integration of health into urban spatial planning through impact assessment: Identifying governance and policy barriers and facilitators.

Teaching Public Health Networks in England: An innovative approach to building public health capacity and capability (2009)
Journal Article

This paper examines the development and achievements of the Teaching Public Health Networks (TPHNs) in England; an initiative that aimed to catalyse collaborative working between the public health workforce and further and higher education, to enhanc... Read More about Teaching Public Health Networks in England: An innovative approach to building public health capacity and capability.

Health impacts of exposure to second hand smoke (SHS) amongst a highly exposed workforce: Survey of London casino workers (2007)
Journal Article

Background. Casino workers are exposed to high levels of secondhand smoke (SHS) at work, yet remain at risk of being excluded from smoke-free legislation around the world. If the prime motivation for smoke-free legislation is the protection of worker... Read More about Health impacts of exposure to second hand smoke (SHS) amongst a highly exposed workforce: Survey of London casino workers.

Attitudes towards second hand smoke amongst a highly exposed workforce: Survey of London casino workers (2006)
Journal Article

Study objective: To examine knowledge, attitudes and experiences of London casino workers regarding exposure to second hand smoke (SHS) in the workplace. Design: Postal survey of 1568 London casino workers in 25 casinos who were members of the TGWU o... Read More about Attitudes towards second hand smoke amongst a highly exposed workforce: Survey of London casino workers.

Artefact or reality? Increases in persons notified to the Regional Drug Misuse Database in the South West of England, 1996-2001 (2004)
Journal Article

The incidence of new persons and repeat attenders presenting for treatment for problem drug misuse in the South West of England more than doubled from 1996-1997 to 2000-2001. During this time there was an increase in the number and severity of chroni... Read More about Artefact or reality? Increases in persons notified to the Regional Drug Misuse Database in the South West of England, 1996-2001.