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Outputs (29)

Insights of architects' knowledge of the Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) in relation to low carbon housing design and delivery in the UK (2012)
Journal Article

Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to report research conducted to explore the insights of UK architects on the Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) in relation to low carbon housing design and delivery. Design/methodology/approach: To explore the awar... Read More about Insights of architects' knowledge of the Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) in relation to low carbon housing design and delivery in the UK.

Taking the long view: A systematic review reporting long-term perspectives on child unintentional injury (2012)
Journal Article

Objective The relative significance of child injury as a cause of preventable death has increased as mortality from infectious diseases has declined. Unintentional child injuries are now a major cause of death and disability across the world with the... Read More about Taking the long view: A systematic review reporting long-term perspectives on child unintentional injury.

The impact of sensory learning modalities on children's sensitivity to sensory cues in the perception of their school environment (2012)
Journal Article

Learning style models recognised that individuals differ in the sense learning modality of stimuli from which they best absorb, retain and process new information. The effect of sensory learning modalities on individual children's sensitivity to sens... Read More about The impact of sensory learning modalities on children's sensitivity to sensory cues in the perception of their school environment.

Policies on smoking in the casino workplace and their impact on smoking behavior among employees: Case study of casino workers in Macao (2012)
Journal Article

Exposure to second hand smoke (SHS) is a major health concern. This study sought to examine the smoking behaviors of casino workers in Macao, and explore how workplace smoking policies might affect that behavior. A majority of casino workers who smok... Read More about Policies on smoking in the casino workplace and their impact on smoking behavior among employees: Case study of casino workers in Macao.

Doing more for less? Developing sustainable systems of social care in the context of climate change and public spending cuts (2012)
Journal Article

This article opens a debate on how to make social care in England more sustainable in the context of environmental, social and economic changes. Based on an innovative research project commissioned by the Department of Health through the Social Care... Read More about Doing more for less? Developing sustainable systems of social care in the context of climate change and public spending cuts.

Integration of health into urban spatial planning through impact assessment: Identifying governance and policy barriers and facilitators (2012)
Journal Article

This article presents the results of a review of literature examining the barriers and facilitators in integrating health in spatial planning at the local, mainly urban level, through appraisals. Our literature review covered the UK and non UK experi... Read More about Integration of health into urban spatial planning through impact assessment: Identifying governance and policy barriers and facilitators.

Exploring the interactions between life events, neighbourhood choice and car ownership transitions: Insights from a retrospective longitudinal survey (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

A great deal has been written about the factors associated with cross-sectional variations in household car ownership. For example, observing that car ownership levels tend to increase with increasing distance from urban centres. However, much less h... Read More about Exploring the interactions between life events, neighbourhood choice and car ownership transitions: Insights from a retrospective longitudinal survey.