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Outputs (317)

Medievals and moderns in conversation: Co-designing creative futures for under-used historic churches in rural communities (2022)
Journal Article

For many living in rural areas, the loss of traditional community assets and increased social fragmentation are a common feature of everyday life. The empty village church is a poignant symbol of these challenges; yet, these are sites that hold consi... Read More about Medievals and moderns in conversation: Co-designing creative futures for under-used historic churches in rural communities.

‘It’s there, it’s in front of your face if you put on the radio or the TV’: COVID-19, perceptions of death and dying and the context of public engagement (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought conversations about death and dying to the fore. Prior studies indicate that holding conversations about the future and end of life planning is beneficial but can be very difficult. Therefore, it is... Read More about ‘It’s there, it’s in front of your face if you put on the radio or the TV’: COVID-19, perceptions of death and dying and the context of public engagement.

Exploring the experiences and psychosocial support needs of informal carers of men with breast cancer: A qualitative study (2022)
Journal Article

Purpose: The provision of practical and emotional support for men who have been diagnosed with breast cancer in the UK falls primarily on their partners, close family members or friends. However, informal carers’ experiences are omitted from the rese... Read More about Exploring the experiences and psychosocial support needs of informal carers of men with breast cancer: A qualitative study.

Testing the theory of self-determination as a predictor of quality of life in neurological conditions in long-term care (2022)

Self-determination theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 2008; Ryan & Deci, 2017) provides a framework for intervention development by setting out a comprehensive approach to motivation and health behaviour through its theory and measurement of autonomy, perceiv... Read More about Testing the theory of self-determination as a predictor of quality of life in neurological conditions in long-term care.

Allied healthcare professionals interventions for complex regional pain syndrome - which work? A systematic review of the literature (2022)
Journal Article

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a severe chronic pain condition which usually occurs following limb trauma. Also associated with a range of signs and symptoms, including limb oedema, sensitivity to touch, skin colour and tem... Read More about Allied healthcare professionals interventions for complex regional pain syndrome - which work? A systematic review of the literature.

Strengthening management, community engagement, and sustainability of the subnational response to accelerate malaria elimination in Namibia (2022)
Journal Article

Leadership and management skills are critical for health programs to deliver high-quality interventions in complex systems. In malaria-eliminating countries, national and subnational health teams are reorienting strategies to address focal transmissi... Read More about Strengthening management, community engagement, and sustainability of the subnational response to accelerate malaria elimination in Namibia.

A novel in vitro 3D model of the human bone marrow to bridge the gap between in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity testing (2022)
Journal Article

The regulatory 2D in vitro micronucleus (MN) assay is part of a battery of tests, used to test for genotoxicity of new and existing compounds before they are assessed in vivo (ICH S2). The 2D MN assay consists of a monolayer of cells, whereas the in... Read More about A novel in vitro 3D model of the human bone marrow to bridge the gap between in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity testing.

Naming the demon of dementia (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background: Government policy emphasises the importance of people living with dementia and their families planning for their future. This is made more difficult when people struggle to find the words to describe their illness.
Aim: This paper illust... Read More about Naming the demon of dementia.

Short-Term safety outcomes of mastectomy and immediate prepectoral implant-based breast reconstruction: Pre-BRA prospective multicentre cohort study (2022)
Journal Article

Background: Prepectoral breast reconstruction (PPBR) has recently been introduced to reduce postoperative pain and improve cosmetic outcomes in women having implant-based procedures. High-quality evidence to support the practice of PPBR, however, is... Read More about Short-Term safety outcomes of mastectomy and immediate prepectoral implant-based breast reconstruction: Pre-BRA prospective multicentre cohort study.

Access to chronic pain services for adults from Minority Ethnic groups in the United Kingdom: A scoping review protocol (2022)
Journal Article

Background: Chronic pain services in the United Kingdom are required to provide services which meet the diverse needs of patients, but little is known about the access and use of these services by Minority Ethnic groups. This protocol describes a sco... Read More about Access to chronic pain services for adults from Minority Ethnic groups in the United Kingdom: A scoping review protocol.

The use of “art” as a resource in recovery from the impact of sexual abuse in childhood: A qualitative systematic review (2022)
Journal Article

Background: A qualitative systematic review was undertaken to identify the therapeutic impact of arts-based activities as experienced by adults sexually abused in childhood. Methods: Sixteen studies, identified through a systematic search protocol, w... Read More about The use of “art” as a resource in recovery from the impact of sexual abuse in childhood: A qualitative systematic review.