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The-state-of-the-art of soft robotics to assist mobility: A review of physiotherapist and patient identified limitations of current lower-limb exoskeletons and the potential soft-robotic solutions (2023)
Journal Article

Background: Soft, wearable, powered exoskeletons are novel devices that may assist rehabilitation, allowing users to walk further or carry out activities of daily living. However, soft robotic exoskeletons, and the more commonly used rigid exoskeleto... Read More about The-state-of-the-art of soft robotics to assist mobility: A review of physiotherapist and patient identified limitations of current lower-limb exoskeletons and the potential soft-robotic solutions.

Case Studies for the paper: 'Service user perspectives on the future of mobility assistive devices: Understanding user’s assistive device experiences and needs
Digital Artefact

Purpose: Current assistive devices are inadequate in addressing the needs of some people living with impaired mobility. This study explored the experiences of living with impaired mobility in relation to how wearable assistive adaptive and rehabilita... Read More about Case Studies for the paper: 'Service user perspectives on the future of mobility assistive devices: Understanding user’s assistive device experiences and needs.