Does appearance really matter?
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Diana Harcourt's Outputs (270)
Body image and appearance
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Does body image and appearance really matter?
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Women's decision-making about breast reconstruction
Presentation / Conference Contribution
From local care to national policy: Improving the provision of psychosocial care for women offered breast reconstruction after mastectomy
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Depicting women’s experiences of an altered appearance during chemotherapy
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Psychosocial aspects of breast reconstruction
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Using mixed methods to study appearance
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Picture this: Using photography to explore women’s experiences of chemotherapy
Presentation / Conference Contribution
The psychological needs of breast reconstruction patients
Presentation / Conference Contribution
A prospective study of women’s decision-making regarding breast reconstruction
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Women’s decision-making about breast reconstruction: A prospective, multi-centre study
Presentation / Conference Contribution
The decision to have breast reconstruction: Accounts of women with breast cancer
Presentation / Conference Contribution
The psychological impact of mastectomy with or without breast reconstruction: A prospective, multi-centred study
Presentation / Conference Contribution
How do women decide on immediate reconstruction?
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Reconstructive surgery after breast cancer: The implications of women’s decision-making style
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Breast reconstruction: A qualitative study of women's decision-making process
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Women’s motivation, expectations and satisfaction with breast augmentation: A retrospective survey
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Breast reconstruction: Body image, anxiety and coping with the decision for or against surgery
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Breast reconstruction: How do women decide whether or not to undergo reconstructive surgery following mastectomy?
Presentation / Conference Contribution