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Enda Hayes' Outputs (9)

The need for a systems perspective to devise new solutions for contemporary and emergent air pollutants (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Structure of Presentation
1. Diagnosing the problem of anthropogenic air pollution
2. A brief comment on the Strategic Priorities Fund Clean Air Programme
3. The value of a systems perspective to address the issues, clarify the ambiguities and of... Read More about The need for a systems perspective to devise new solutions for contemporary and emergent air pollutants.

A critical review of the robustness of the UK government’s air quality plan and expected compliance dates (2016)
Journal Article

Globally, poor air quality is the most significant environmental health concern. Across Europe, 400,000 deaths were attributed to air pollution in 2012, whilst in the UK over 50,000 deaths per year are due to a combination of gaseous and particulate... Read More about A critical review of the robustness of the UK government’s air quality plan and expected compliance dates.

A dispersion modelling approach to determine the odour impact of intensive poultry production units in Ireland (2006)
Journal Article

The use of atmospheric dispersion modelling has become more common for the determination of odour impacts from existing poultry production facilities and the assessment of setback distances for new facilities. Setback distances for broiler, layer and... Read More about A dispersion modelling approach to determine the odour impact of intensive poultry production units in Ireland.