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Nick De Viggiani's Outputs (4)

Musical pathways: An exploratory study of young people in the criminal justice system, engaged with a creative music programme (2013)

There is growing evidence from across the arts and health field that suggests that participatory arts programmes can contribute to health improvement, emotional resilience and social reintegration, among vulnerable and excluded groups including crimi... Read More about Musical pathways: An exploratory study of young people in the criminal justice system, engaged with a creative music programme.

Music making for health, well-being and behaviour change in youth justice settings: A systematic review (2013)
Journal Article

Youth justice is an important public health issue. There is growing recognition of the need to adopt effective, evidence-based strategies for working with young offenders. Music interventions may be particularly well suited to addressing risk factors... Read More about Music making for health, well-being and behaviour change in youth justice settings: A systematic review.

A clean bill of health? The efficacy of an NHS commissioned outsourced police custody healthcare service (2013)
Journal Article

Police custody healthcare services for detainees in the UK are most commonly outsourced to independent healthcare providers who employ custody nurses and forensic physicians to deliver forensic healthcare services. A pilot was introduced in 2008 by t... Read More about A clean bill of health? The efficacy of an NHS commissioned outsourced police custody healthcare service.