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Profile image of Emma Agusita

Dr Emma Agusita

Biography Dr Emma Agusita is a Senior Lecturer in Cultural Industries, specialising in Digital Media, Culture and Communications. Emma is a collaborative academic-practitioner, with a sustained track-record of leading and implementing knowledge exchange and innovation projects, and generating socially-engaged impactful research. She has particular expertise in the use of co-creative/co-designed, visual, participatory and inclusive approaches to external partnership-working in a wide range of research contexts. Emma's leading work in this area has evolved from practice-led and participatory community-media and arts work, beyond academia, spanning 20-years, involving collaborations with local/regional/national arts, education and public service organisations and creative practitioners.
Research Interests Emma's research interests include:
Visual, Creative & Participatory Pedagogies and Methodologies ~ Civic & Community Media ~ Digital Communications Technologies ~ Creative Studies of Migration ~ Cultural & Creative Entrepreneurship ~ Creative Enterprise & Entrepreneurship Education ~ Higer Education Practice Research


Developing the educational research practice of practice‐based & non‐traditional academics/educators in Higher Education 2023-Present (Principal-Investigator) - This research project investigates the challenges for higher education practice‐based educators and those who have not followed a traditional academic career in becoming research active, specifically in using their educational practice as their field of research.
Voices 2022-Present (Co-Investigator) - This research project aims to use drama/ interactive documentary to examine and convey the experiences of young refugees/migrants, and more broadly, explores how art and narrative can build community solidarity.

Young People's Entrepreneurial Creative Practices 2021-Present (Principal-Investigator) - This research project aims to identify inclusive frameworks to support underrepresented young people's creative talent and enterprise development in the creative industries, and it seeks to build a local/regional network of enterprise and education partners.

Kept Apart 2020 (Co-Investigator) This collaborative/co-produced project used 'narrative prose' and graphic illustration to explore how British partners separated from their spouses (and sometimes children) live with the profound uncertainty of their situation, and experimented with new support forms for those affected.

Proof of Love 2019-2020 (Joint Principal-Investigator) This collaborative practice-led research project explored the impacts of family immigration policies/rules on relationships between British & non-EU partners and families, creating an award-winning documentary film,

Unexpected Enterprises 2018-2019 (Principal-Investigator) This collaborative project, funded by Enterprise Educators UK, addressed new modes of creative/cultural work generated by non-traditional entrepreneurial activities and considered the implications for media and creative education pedagogies in higher education.

Visualising Love 2017-18 (Principal-Investigator) - This research project used creative, practice-led/collaborative/participatory approaches, to investigate impacts of family immigration policies/rules on relationships between British & non-EU partners/families, including modes of transnational communication employed by those affected to maintain emotional connections when forced to be apart.
Teaching and Learning Emma teaches on the BA Hons Media Communications, leading its Campaigns programme pathway, and teaches communications campaigning on the MSc Sustainable Development in Practice. In addition to module leadership and teaching, Emma is experienced in pedagogic research, academic mentorship & curriculum development and re-design. She is a doctoral Director of Studies/supervisor with examining experience.
PhD Supervision Availability Yes