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Dr Sarah Bodman's Outputs (11)

RUKSSIAN artists' books (2014)
Exhibition / Performance

Curated by Sarah Bodman, Mikhail Pogarsky, Vasily Vlasov, Viktor Lukin. Artists' books speak the international language of art. These books can be understood in almost any corner of the world. Artists, who work in the genre of the artist's book profe... Read More about RUKSSIAN artists' books.

Talking prints (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Based at the University of the West of England, Bristol, the book arts forms a small part of the Centre for Fine Print Research, where the research focus is on the production and investigation of the physical artefact, primarily predicated in print.... Read More about Talking prints.

Story time: Kate Bufton’s book sculptures (2014)
Journal Article

Kate Bufton is known for her scultpures, but now she is exploring the representation of these works in two dimensions during a residency at Hot Bed Press, writes Sarah Bodman.