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Dr Sarah Bodman's Outputs (36)

The future of publishing (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Sarah Bodman and Tom Sowden were invited by Tate Shaw, organiser of the event, to present research into the future of the contemporary artist’s book in the digital age from their AHRC funded project. In an arena including digital and traditional arti... Read More about The future of publishing.

The hybrid lexicon: an overview of contemporary artists’ publishing in the UK and Ireland, using traditional and emerging technologies to create finely produced artist’s books (2008)
Book Chapter

The introduction of this book outlines the historical relationship between art, design, and the book. There are illustrated transcripts of the four symposium speakers: Robert Bringhurst, Felipe Ehrenberg, Sarah Bodman, and Stefan Soltek, all devoted... Read More about The hybrid lexicon: an overview of contemporary artists’ publishing in the UK and Ireland, using traditional and emerging technologies to create finely produced artist’s books.

Artists’ books abroad (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Presenting an overview of artist's book publishing in Europe and further afield: contemporary artists’ books, Internet publishing projects, altered books, performance books, and use of digital and traditional production methods.

The quiet democracy of the contemporary artist’s book (or, why do artists make books?) (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Invited paper at Books That Fly Conference, University of Brighton, Faculty of Arts and Architecture.

As today’s discussions are related to the concept of the ‘artist’s book’ in the show Blood on Paper -
The Art of the Book and Tom Lubbock’s revi... Read More about The quiet democracy of the contemporary artist’s book (or, why do artists make books?).

The artist’s book market, and the relationship between the artist and purchaser within this field (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Sarah Bodman invited speaker for Symposium: Beyond the Book, Friday 18 April 2008, 10.30-17.00, Lecture Theatre, Victoria and Albert Museum, London. A one-day symposium that accompanied the Blood on Paper exhibition. Topics included private presses... Read More about The artist’s book market, and the relationship between the artist and purchaser within this field.

A perpetual portfolio (2005)
Exhibition / Performance

The Catalogue for the Perpetual Portfolio Exhibition was released at the Museo Nacional Del Grabado, Buenos Aires, Argentina in June 2005. The publication includes all twenty-three prints produce during the CFPR digital residency programme of which e... Read More about A perpetual portfolio.