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Dr Sarah Bodman's Outputs (36)

‘What if?’ books (2019)
Book Chapter

The Correlations project presents some examples of artists’ books as a method of enquiry, a means for us to ask questions about their relationship with independent publishing through content and context, and consider both the history and continued pr... Read More about ‘What if?’ books.

Towards a community of artists’ books: Extending international knowledge and debate in the field of artists’ books through practice-research (2018)

Towards a community of artists’ books: extending international knowledge and debate in the field of artists’ books through practice-research

The field of activity in artists’ books – artworks in the form of a book - has evolved over the... Read More about Towards a community of artists’ books: Extending international knowledge and debate in the field of artists’ books through practice-research.

Re-reading the page (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Sarah Bodman and Tom Sowden are based at the Centre for Fine Print Research, UWE, Bristol, where they explore many aspects of artists’ publishing: from the conception and history of the artist’s book to creative processes and output, current developm... Read More about Re-reading the page.

Dinner and a Rose (2011)
Physical Artefact

Sarah Bodman and Nancy Campbell have collaborated on a new artist’s book for the University of Dundee’s AHRC funded project Poetry Beyond Text: Vision, Text and Cognition (, which has commissioned new work a... Read More about Dinner and a Rose.

Artists' books, nature, landscape (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

A themed talk of Collections and Observations of nature, Textscapes, Journeys through landscape, Working in the landscape, The politics of landscape, Altered books and nature, and A darker (then lighter) side of nature.

Book Arts Newsletter (2010)

The Book Arts Newsletter is a 4-6 weekly newsletter edited by Sarah Bodman, published by the Centre for Fine Print Research. Issue 1 was published May - August 2002.

A Manifesto for the Book (2010)

What will be the canon for the artist’s book in the 21st Century? In an arena that now includes both digital and traditionally produced artists’ books, what will constitute the concepts of artists’ publishing in the future?

This project was funded... Read More about A Manifesto for the Book.

Les activités du Centre for Fine Print Research de Bristol in So Multiples revue française sur les éditions d'artistes contemporains (2009)
Journal Article

Bodman was invited by Océane Delleaux, Editor of the French language review So Multiples to contribute an essay on the activities she manages for artists’ books at the CFPR, as one of four essays for a special feature on artists’ books (September 200... Read More about Les activités du Centre for Fine Print Research de Bristol in So Multiples revue française sur les éditions d'artistes contemporains.

Lady vengeance (2009)
Exhibition / Performance

Exhibition (solo)of artists’ books by Sarah Bodman
Retrospective of works 1994-2009
23 Sandy Gallery, Portland, USA, 6 - 28 March 2009
Collins Memorial Library, Tacoma, Washington USA, 4th May - 1st June 2009