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Dr Danielle Sinnett's Outputs (125)

Development of a software based decision support platform for assessing the impacts of urban pollutants (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background and Objective:
In order to fully assess the environmental, health and ecological impacts of changes in different products, processes and human activities occurring within an urban environment, a large number of research disciplines need t... Read More about Development of a software based decision support platform for assessing the impacts of urban pollutants.

Deposition and solubility of airborne metals to four plant species grown at varying distances from two heavily trafficked roads in London (2009)
Journal Article

In urban areas, a highly variable mixture of pollutants is deposited as particulate matter. The concentration and bioavailability of individual pollutants within particles need to be characterised to ascertain the risks to ecological receptors. This... Read More about Deposition and solubility of airborne metals to four plant species grown at varying distances from two heavily trafficked roads in London.

Food-chain transfer of cadmium and zinc from contaminated Urtica dioica to Helix aspersa and Lumbricus terrestris (2009)
Journal Article

The present study examines the potential of Urtica dioica as an ecologically relevant species for use in ecotoxicological testing. It is prevalent in degraded ecosystems and is a food source for invertebrates. Urtica dioica grown in hydroponic soluti... Read More about Food-chain transfer of cadmium and zinc from contaminated Urtica dioica to Helix aspersa and Lumbricus terrestris.

An integrated tool to assess the role of new planting in PM10 capture and the human health benefits: A case study in London (2009)
Journal Article

The role of vegetation in mitigating the effects of PM10 pollution has been highlighted as one potential benefit of urban greenspace. An integrated modelling approach is presented which utilises air dispersion (ADMS-Urban) and particulate interceptio... Read More about An integrated tool to assess the role of new planting in PM10 capture and the human health benefits: A case study in London.

Development of a software based decision support platform for assessing the impacts of urban pollutants (2009)
Journal Article

Background and Objective:
In order to fully assess the environmental, health and ecological impacts of changes in different products, processes and human activities occurring within an urban environment, a large number of research disciplines need t... Read More about Development of a software based decision support platform for assessing the impacts of urban pollutants.