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Iain Weir's Outputs (2)

A conditional autoregressive Gaussian process for irregularly spaced multivariate data with application to modelling large sets of binary data (2002)
Journal Article

A Gaussian conditional autoregressive (CAR) formulation is presented that permits the modelling of the spatial dependence and the dependence between multivariate random variables at irregularly spaced sites so capturing some of the modelling advantag... Read More about A conditional autoregressive Gaussian process for irregularly spaced multivariate data with application to modelling large sets of binary data.

Concentrations of cadmium, zinc and copper in sediments and brown shrimp (Crangon crangon L.) from the Severn Estuary and Bristol Channel, UK (2002)
Journal Article

Cd, Zn and Cu levels were determined in sediments and Crangon crangon from 9 sites in the Severn Estuary/Bristol Channel during winter 1999. Metal levels in both shrimp and sediments varied significantly between sites and were related to proximity of... Read More about Concentrations of cadmium, zinc and copper in sediments and brown shrimp (Crangon crangon L.) from the Severn Estuary and Bristol Channel, UK.