Roads and traffic: From 'Predict to Provide' to 'Making Best Use'
Book Chapter
Professor Graham Parkhurst's Outputs (10)
Exploration of the motivations and existing behaviour of bike-rail integrators to inform future promotional interventions (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bike-rail integration (BRI) extends the catchment area of a station for those without access to a car or bus, whilst also enabling the substitution of more car journeys and allowing people to build exercise into their day. More cycle access to the r... Read More about Exploration of the motivations and existing behaviour of bike-rail integrators to inform future promotional interventions.
Understanding the attitudes of older people to road pricing (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Growth in mobile air conditioning: A socio-technical research agenda (2008)
Journal Article
Growth in mobile air-conditioning: A socio-technical research agenda (2008)
Journal Article
The recent growth in European use of mobile air-conditioning (MAC) in transport is examined with reference to the experience of the longer-established trend in the buildings sector and to experience in the US. Air-conditioning is identified as signif... Read More about Growth in mobile air-conditioning: A socio-technical research agenda.
Integrating transport planning and local air quality management challenges, barriers and opportunities (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Traveline market research: Scoping study (2008)
Report to Traveline Marketing Group, London
Roads and traffic: From 'predict and provide' to 'making best use' (2008)
Book Chapter