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Neil Sutherland's Outputs (3)

"I feel like I am part of a community": Creating social presence at a programme level through Facebook groups (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In this presentation we reflect on the importance of creating social presence at a programme level, specifically in virtual environments. Briefly defined, social presence is the degree to which participants feel like they feel a part of, and know oth... Read More about "I feel like I am part of a community": Creating social presence at a programme level through Facebook groups.

Problematizing leadership learning facilitation through a trickster archetype: An investigation into power and identity in liminal spaces (2021)
Journal Article

This study uses the archetype of a ‘trickster’ to reflect back on, and hence problematize, the role of the educator/facilitator identity in leadership learning. This is based on the view that a trickster is a permanent resident in liminal spaces and... Read More about Problematizing leadership learning facilitation through a trickster archetype: An investigation into power and identity in liminal spaces.