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Dr Shine Win Naung's Outputs (24)

Direct numerical simulation of interaction between transient flow and blade structure in a modern low-pressure turbine (2020)
Journal Article

A feature of a modern aeronautical Low-Pressure Turbine (LPT) is the high blade loadings with complex, transient and separated flow regimes. Most existing research have focused only on analysing the transient flow and flow separation in such turbines... Read More about Direct numerical simulation of interaction between transient flow and blade structure in a modern low-pressure turbine.

Aerodynamic analysis of a wind turbine with elevated inflow turbulence and wake using harmonic method (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper presents aerodynamic simulation and analysis of a horizontal axis wind turbine using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method. The MEXICO (Model Rotor Experiments In Controlled Conditions) Experiment wind turbine is selected for simulatio... Read More about Aerodynamic analysis of a wind turbine with elevated inflow turbulence and wake using harmonic method.