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Quality improvement in action (2021)
Journal Article

Kate Nash and Anna Garratt discuss how quality improvement can make an impact on practice and summarise the key approaches to this process

Efficient and scalable generation of human ventral midbrain astrocytes from human-induced pluripotent stem cells (2021)
Journal Article

In Parkinson's disease, progressive dysfunction and degeneration of dopamine neurons in the ventral midbrain cause life-changing symptoms. Neuronal degeneration has diverse causes in Parkinson's, including non-cell autonomous mechanisms mediated by a... Read More about Efficient and scalable generation of human ventral midbrain astrocytes from human-induced pluripotent stem cells.

Mental health professionals' experiences of provision of health behaviour change interventions to people with schizophrenia: A thematic analysis (2021)

People living with schizophrenia have disproportionately high rates of comorbidities and significantly reduced life expectancy as compared to the general population. The evidence suggests that the elevated risk of multi-morbidity and premat... Read More about Mental health professionals' experiences of provision of health behaviour change interventions to people with schizophrenia: A thematic analysis.

A rationalised CFD design methodology for Turgo turbines to enable local manufacture in the Global South (2021)
Journal Article

In the Global South, pico-and micro-hydropower turbines are often made by local work-shops. Despite several advantageous features, e.g., a high power density and capacity to handle silt, there is no commonly available Turgo turbine design appropriate... Read More about A rationalised CFD design methodology for Turgo turbines to enable local manufacture in the Global South.

Computer-aided screening of autism spectrum disorder: Eye-tracking study using data visualization and deep learning (2021)
Journal Article

Background: The early diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is highly desirable but remains a challenging task, which requires a set of cognitive tests and hours of clinical examinations. In addition, variations of such symptoms exist, which ca... Read More about Computer-aided screening of autism spectrum disorder: Eye-tracking study using data visualization and deep learning.

A comparative study of prior learning for serving police officers in Canada and England and Wales, UK: Bridging the academic gap (2021)
Journal Article

The professionalisation of the police in Canada, and England and Wales has highlighted a gap in the education levels of new recruits and current serving police officers, motivating many of these officers
to complete a university degree. The prior ex... Read More about A comparative study of prior learning for serving police officers in Canada and England and Wales, UK: Bridging the academic gap.

“Will you still feel beautiful when you find out you are different?” Parents’ experiences, reflections, and appearance-focused conversations about their child’s visible difference (2021)
Journal Article

To investigate parents’ reflections and experiences of having a child born with an appearance-altering condition, interviews with 33 parents of children born with rare craniofacial conditions were analyzed using inductive thematic analysis. Three the... Read More about “Will you still feel beautiful when you find out you are different?” Parents’ experiences, reflections, and appearance-focused conversations about their child’s visible difference.

Ordinal Logistic Regression as an alternative analysis strategy for the comparison of two independent samples (2021)
Journal Article

The two group between subjects design is pervasive with analyses often performed using the Mann Whitney Rank Sum test or using the Welch variant of the t-test. Using simulation it is shown that a dummy variable ordinal logistic regression (OLR) mode... Read More about Ordinal Logistic Regression as an alternative analysis strategy for the comparison of two independent samples.