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Online simulation of real life experiences – the educational potential

Falconer, Liz; Frutos-Perez, Manuel


Liz Falconer

Manuel Frutos-Perez


Catherine Fulford

George Siemens


This paper outlines the Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) strategy of the University of the West of England (UWE), UK, and demonstrates examples of simulations that use a mixture of web technologies, social networking and virtual worlds. In particular we discuss in detail a simulation that enables groups of law students to work as partners in simulated law practices in a virtual town that supports a range of casework. We also describe an accident investigation simulation built in the virtual world Second Life where groups of students can experience an accident scenario, investigate it, design safe systems of work to deal with the case and work collaboratively on accident analysis and prevention

Publication Date Jun 1, 2009
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 3564-3569
Book Title EdMedia 2009 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications
ISBN 1880094738
Keywords technolgy enhanced learning, virtual worlds, simulation
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