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Concealed object perception and recognition using a photometric stereo strategy

Sun, Jiuai; Smith, Melvyn; Farooq, Abdul; Smith, Lyndon


Jiuai Sun

Profile image of Melvyn Smith

Melvyn Smith
Research Centre Director Vision Lab/Prof

Abdul Farooq

Lyndon Smith
Professor in Computer Simulation and Machine


Following a review of current hidden objects detection techniques in a range of security applications, a strategy based on an innovative, low-cost photometric stereo technique is proposed to reveal concealed objects. By taking advantage of information rapidly acquired under different illumination conditions, various enhanced real time images can be produced, free from the confusion of textured camouflage. The perception of hidden objects is enhanced through the suppression of 2D reflectance patterns, optimization of synthetic illumination conditions and employment of more realistic artificial reflection models, designed to significantly enhance the visibility of concealed 3D shapes. The extracted surface normals can be used for the calculation of curvature and flatness attributes, and providing clues for subsequent hidden object detection and recognition tasks. Experiments on both simulated and real data have verified the strategy is useful for stealthy objects detection and may provide another modality of data for current monitoring system. The results demonstrate good potential application in the detection of concealed objects in security and military applications through the deployment of image enhancement and augmented reality devices.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems
Start Date Jun 8, 2009
End Date Jun 8, 2009
Publication Date Sep 1, 2009
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 445-455
Keywords concealed object, perception, enhancement, photometric stereo
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