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Practices and motivations of travellers making rail-cycle trips

Sherwin, Henrietta; Parkhurst, Graham; Robbins, Derek; Walker, Ian


Henrietta Sherwin

Derek Robbins

Ian Walker


Currently only 2% of British rail passengers choose to cycle to the station, in contrast to 40% in the Netherlands, but the combination of cycling with rail use presents a potentially attractive alternative to car use with carbon reduction and health-promotion benefits. The present study examined the motivations and behaviours of people who integrate bicycle and rail use, focusing particularly on the provision of station cycle parking as a facilitator. A novel methodology was applied to two intercity stations in Bristol (southwest England) to examine movements within an extensive cycle parking area. Bike-rail integration emerges as a complex set of practices, influenced by a range of factors including, but not limited to, the availability of station cycle parking. It is concluded that bike-rail integration can make a contribution to reducing both carbon emissions and car dependence, but a lack of integration within the rail industry and other agencies is limiting the delivery of policies to enhance the opportunities.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Aug 1, 2011
Journal Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Transport
Print ISSN 0965-092X
Electronic ISSN 1751-7710
Publisher Thomas Telford
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 164
Issue 3
Pages 189-197
Keywords rail & bus stations, sustainability, railway systems
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