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Development and testing of a prototype straw bale house

Wall, Katharine; Walker, Pete; Gross, Christopher; White, Craig; Mander, Tim


Katharine Wall

Pete Walker

Christopher Gross

Tim Mander


This paper describes the research, development, construction and initial testing of an innovative low-carbon prototype house built using novel prefabricated straw bale panels. The use of straw as insulation provides an opportunity for value-added use of a widely available low-carbon co-product of farming. The research reported in the paper seeks to enhance the understanding and develop the modern mainstream acceptance and use of straw as a construction material in housing and other applications. The paper initially summarises development and construction of the panels and the house. Tests conducted on the panels and house reported in the paper include on-going durability assessment, fire resistance testing, acoustic transmittance testing, air permeability tests and thermal surveys.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Dec 1, 2012
Journal Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Construction Materials
Print ISSN 1747-650X
Electronic ISSN 1747-6518
Publisher Thomas Telford
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 165
Issue 6
Pages 377-384
Keywords buildings, structures and design, research and development, field testing and monitoring
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