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An architecture for integrated intelligence in urban management using cloud computing

Khan, Zaheer; Ludlow, David; McClatchey, Richard; Anjum, Ashiq

An architecture for integrated intelligence in urban management using cloud computing Thumbnail


Zaheer Khan
Professor in Computer Science

David Ludlow
Professor in European Smart Cities

Ashiq Anjum


With the existence of new methodologies and technologies it has now become possible to manage large amounts of environmental sensing data and apply new integrated computing models to acquire information intelligence. This paper advocates the application of cloud capacity to support the information, communication and decision making needs of a wide variety of stakeholders in the complex business of the management of urban and regional development. The complexity lies in the interactions and impacts embodied in the concept of the urban-ecosystem. This highlights the need for more effective integrated environmental management systems. The effective use of integrated environmental management systems is greatly enhanced and generally structured on the principle of horizontal integration of information across the sectoral boundaries at the local level, and on vertical integration between levels of governance. The effectiveness of an integrated environmental management system is also enhanced by the full engagement of all stakeholders in the land management process. This paper offers a user-orientated approach based on requirements for an effective management of the urban-ecosystem and the potential contributions that can be supported by the cloud computing community. Furthermore, the commonality of the influence of the drivers of change at the urban level offers the opportunity for the cloud computing community to develop generic solutions that can serve the needs of hundreds of cities from Europe and indeed globally.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name ITAAC 2011: International Workshop on Intelligent Techniques and Architectures for Autonomic Clouds in conjunction with the 4th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2011)
Start Date Dec 5, 2011
End Date Dec 8, 2011
Publication Date Jan 9, 2012
Deposit Date Nov 24, 2011
Publicly Available Date Feb 25, 2016
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 415-420
Keywords Information intelligence; environmental monitoring; data harmonisation; cloud and computing standards
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Feb 25, 2016


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