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Transportation carbon emission information: the effect of format on behavioural intention

Waygood, E.O.D; Avineri, Erel

Transportation carbon emission information: the effect of format on behavioural intention Thumbnail


E.O.D Waygood

Erel Avineri


Climate change is a global problem and transportation contributes to it. In response, CO2 information on transport is being provided to the public to aid with informed decision-making. Including CO2 mass in choice experiments has found that it could influence choice, however, other research suggests that CO2 presented as mass is not fully understood and that the presentation of CO2 information affects interpretation. If presentation can affect understanding and interpretation, might it then affect choice? The problem with presentation is likely one of information content versus information context. CO2 mass is information content; without information context, it would be difficult to interpret the appropriateness of
the mass. Context can highlight some aspect of the information to influence choice. That context could relate the CO2 mass to a societal goal. It could aid with analytical decision-making, or it could influence through emotion. A presentation format that provides context to information content is here termed a contextualized format. This research examined how people’s behavioural intention responses varied by three different contextualized formats
and the information content format of simply CO2 mass.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name 2012 IATBR Conference
Start Date Jul 16, 2012
End Date Jul 20, 2012
Publication Date Jul 16, 2012
Publicly Available Date Jun 7, 2019
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Keywords travel behaviour, carbon emissions
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Title of Conference or Conference Proceedings : 2012 IATBR Conference


Waygood_E Owen_Transportation Carbon Emission Information The Effect of Format on Behavioural Intention.pdf (895 Kb)

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