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Precipitation downscaling in Canadian prairie provinces using the LARS-WG and GLM approaches

Chun, Kwok P.; Wheater, Howard S.; Nazemi, A.; Khaliq, M. N.


Profile image of Kwok Chun

Dr Kwok Chun
Lecturer in Environmental Managment

Howard S. Wheater

A. Nazemi

M. N. Khaliq


Two stochastic precipitation simulation models, namely the Long Ashton Research Station weather generator (LARS-WG) and a Generalized Linear Model-based weather generator (GLM-WG), are evaluated for downscaling daily precipitation at four selected locations (Banff, Calgary, Saskatoon and Winnipeg) in the Canadian Prairies. These weather generators model precipitation occurrence and amount components separately. Large-scale climate variables (including mean temperature, sea level pressure and relative humidity, derived from National Centers for Environmental Prediction reanalysis data) and observed precipitation records are used to calibrate and validate GLM-WG, while only observed precipitation records are used to calibrate and validate LARS-WG. A comparison of common statistical properties (i.e. annual/monthly means, variability of daily and monthly precipitation and monthly proportion of dry days) and characteristics of drought and extreme precipitation events derived from simulated and observed daily precipitation for the calibration (1961-1990) and validation (1991-2003) periods shows that both weather generators are able to simulate most of the statistical properties of the historical precipitation records, but GLM-WG appears to perform better than LARS-WG for simulating precipitation extremes and temporal variability of drought severity indices. For developing projected changes to precipitation characteristics, a change factor approach based on Canadian Global Climate Model (CGCM) simulated current (1961-1990) and future (2071-2100) period precipitation is used for driving simulations of LARS-WG, while for driving GLM-WG simulations, large-scale predictor variables derived from CGCM current and future period outputs are used. Results of both weather generators suggest significant increases to the mean annual precipitation for the 2080s. Changes to selected return levels of annual daily precipitation extremes are found to be both location- and generator-dependent, with highly significant increases noted for Banff with LARS-WG and for both Banff and Calgary with GLM-WG. Overall, 5- and 10-yr return levels are associated with increases (with the exception of Winnipeg) while 30- and 50-yr return levels are associated with site-dependent increases or decreases. A simple precipitation-based drought severity index suggests decreases in drought severity for the 2080s. © 2013 Canadian Water Resources Association.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 11, 2013
Online Publication Date Nov 18, 2013
Publication Date Dec 1, 2013
Deposit Date Jun 27, 2022
Journal Canadian Water Resources Journal
Print ISSN 0701-1784
Electronic ISSN 1918-1817
Publisher Taylor & Francis
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 38
Issue 4
Pages 311-332
Keywords Precipitation; downscaling; Canadian Prairie Provinces; LARS-WG; GLM
Public URL